The Rampant Outbreak of Cyclospora

August 27th, 2013 · No Comments · Cleansing and Detox

As Cyclospora sweeps the Midwest, scientists are scurrying to discover its source. The cause of a nasty stomach bug, Cyclospora cayetanensis, is a single-celled protozoan parasite that can be found in contaminated food. Exposure to Cyclospora can leave you with weeks of bad diarrhea and a nauseous feeling that keeps you from eating.

More than 100 cases of Cyclospora have been documented this summer in Iowa, along with many more in Nebraska, Texas, and Florida (with most of the illnesses occurring from mid-June through mid-July). Some cases have also shown up in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Montana, Arkansas, Kansas, Connecticut, New Jersey, New York City, and Georgia. Where is this parasite coming from? That’s exactly what the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is set on finding out.

Current Case Count Map –

How do you get Cyclosporiasis?
Cyclosporasis, or an infection of Cyclospora, is caused by exposure to food that has been contaminated with the Cyclospora parasite. Fresh fruits and vegetables that have been washed with water and contaminated with feces may be the biggest culprit of the spreading parasite. Washing fresh foods can help minimize your exposure, but only cooking food will completely kill any parasite. Cyclospora is rarely passed from human to human as the parasite requires a longer dormancy period after being expelled from the human body.

What will Cyclospora do?
Parasites are small organisms which live by feeding off larger organisms. Cyclospora inhabits your small intestine where it thrives. A case of Cyclospora can give you two to three weeks of bad diarrhea, and may cause nausea. Other symptoms include loss of appetite, weight loss, bloating, increased gas, cramps and vomiting, fatigue, and even a low grade fever. Only in rare cases is Cyclosporasis fatal.

Help! How do you safely treat Cyclosporiasis?
While a case of Cyclosporiasis can make for a few dismal weeks, the infection is rarely serious enough to cause death. Some individuals are at higher risk for experiencing fatal conditions after being exposed to Cyclospora. Very young children, the elderly, and individuals with already weakened immune systems should take caution and visit a doctor as soon as they observe symptoms.

Staying hydrated is extremely important for anyone experiencing diarrhea. Avoid sugary beverages, including juice and caffeine, which may make diarrhea worse. Instead, try to consume mostly water and rehydration solutions approved for diarrhea treatment, and unsweetened coconut water. Anti diarrhea medicines are not recommended as diarrhea is your body’s way of expelling the parasite and medicines may interfere with that process. Many doctors prescribe a combination of antibiotics for Cyclospora infections, though some individuals with sulfa allergies or sensitivities will need to find alternatives.

Hanna Kroeger was very aware of parasitic infections and what to do about them. She wrote, Parasites:  The Enemy Within, to share the daily facts and truths about parasites and recommended the Protozoa Kit to fight parasitic infections. Hanna’s Protozoa Kit includes Ipecac Root, Copper, and Protozoa Vibropathic. Ipecac Root is a strong amoebicide that will help your body fight foreign organisms living within. Ipecac Root Vibropathic works alongside Copper Vibropathic to give your body aid in expelling the parasite more quickly. Protozoa Vibropathic is the third component of the kit and may help you recover from any protozoan infection. She recommended to begin administration five days before the full moon and to continue treatment until the bottles are empty.

To learn more about the cleansing of parasites, read our blog on Protozoan Infections and How to Cleanse Them. If you think you may have a parasite other than Cyclospora, read I Think I Have A Parasite. Now What? and learn how to cleanse these illness provoking parasites from your system.


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