I Think I Have a Parasite. Now What?

October 21st, 2009 · 6 Comments · Cleansing and Detox


Parasites often make their way into our bodies while we garden or enjoy fresh picked produce.

Parasites….It is something most of us don’t like to think about. People say “Worms are something that only dogs or cats can get”, or “People don’t get worms unless they live in squalid, third world conditions”. Well if our pets can get them, then they are close enough to us that we can get them as well. Parasites have a long tradition of living amongst healthy thriving organisms and they are not about to give that up. At least not without a fight.

It is impossible to avoid contact with these ubiquitous and opportunistic organisms. They are simply too widespread and too well adapted to their ingenious methods of survival. So if it is inevitable that we will eventually come in contact with them, should we just accept it as a part of life? I don’t know about you, but I prefer to evict these nonpaying tenants. And it is not as if they just don’t give us any benefit, they also leave behind toxic wastes that tax our struggling elimination organs in an effort to remove them.

Ok, so we have decided that we don’t want to be giving a free ride anymore. What next? We can’t just pluck them out of our body. Or make ourselves so sick that we are no longer good hosts. Well medical science does have a few possibilities to offer such as chemical based treatments that hopefully don’t make us too sick in the process. Many MDs steer clear of the subject as well because it is difficult to quantify results or even to determine if there is an infestation at all. There are natural remedies as well but it can be confusing with the vague labeling due to government regulations. Research your choices and make sure that you are buying from a reputable company with some decent history. Many parasite programs are enhanced by timing the start of the cleanse to a few days before the full moon. Most parasites, being water based organisms, time their reproductive schedule to the phases of the moon. There are certain foods that you can eat that are helpful, like pumpkin seeds, in shedding parasites from your body.

How Can I Cleanse Parasites from My Body?

Wormwood is an antiparasitic herb.

One of our most popular kits year round is the Wormwood Kit. This parasite cleanse is full of strong bitters and anti-parastic herbs to help flush your body of the parasite and get you back to good health. While the subject of parasites is uncomfortable to speak with others about, we have some articles on our website to tell you more about the how and why of parasite treatment.

Don’t let your body be an invaders home–take it back from parasites!


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