Home Remedy for Colds

December 27th, 2011 · 1 Comment · home remedy

Don't let the tissues pile up for days! Fight back with home remedies.

Don’t let the tissues pile up for days! Fight back with home remedies.

Let’s face it, colds are no fun. Cough syrup and cough drops, teas, and plenty of fluids are probably already in your arsenal of wellness but we want to share some home remedies to speed you along to wellness. Hanna Kroeger left behind so many tips and tricks for how to use items already in our homes to remedy our ailments. In her book Ageless Remedies from Mother’s Kitchen, she shared several ways we can soothe the discomfort of sickness with our own pharmacy, our kitchen!

Hanna’s Home Remedies for Colds

  • Boil cloves, cinnamon, sage, and bay leaves in apple juice. Drink warm.
  • Kale gives us resistance to colds. It has natural sulfur and is full of vitamins. Eat this when you are sick.
  • Currants help boost our body’s resistance to colds so if your friends and family are sick, be sure to add these to your diet to keep the cold away.
  • White and red onions can be made into a soup with tamari or other broth. Chop several onions and make a strong onion soup.
  • Broccoli has natural sulfur which strenthens your resistance to colds so be sure to eat plenty before and while you are sick.
  • Vitamins A, C, iodine, calcium, and trace minerals in elderberry and peppermint are important when you are sick. Try drinking peppermint tea and finding a natural elderberry syrup from a company you trust. We like this one.
  • Thyme helps our bodies resist and prevent colds. Drink one cup of  thyme tea daily when those around you are sick.
  • Grapefruit is useful when you have a cold. Grate teh skin very finely into a mug, add the juice of half the grapefruit and fill the remainder of the mug with hot water.
  • Many of us have sore throats along with our colds. Get a home remedy for Hanna’s sore throat soother here.
Ageless Remedies from Mother's Kitchen

Hanna’s home remedies.

Whether you’re fighting a cold now or someone in your home or office is sick, it’s important to keep in mind that you can use the items in your kitchen to remedy your ailments.

If you would like to learn more about how you can keep your immune system in tip-top shape, read a recent blog post here.


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