Natural Pollution Cleansing for Your Body

July 16th, 2013 · 1 Comment · Antioxidant, Cleansing and Detox

imagesCA7CXR8OIf you’re a desk dweller Monday through Friday like I am then the opportunity to get out into fresh air in your spare time is just too good to pass up. If there’s outdoor seating available at a restaurant, I want it. If a friend is weeding a garden on the weekend and would like my help, I look forward to it all week. Go for a hike or bike ride? You bet! Each season has its own perks and while getting out and about and being active is a healthy choice, with the good comes the bad. We’re advancing as a world quickly and our advancements have created pollutants and a negative impact on our bodies. Spending time doing the things you love outside doesn’t have to stop altogether. While avoiding pollutants is nearly impossible, keeping our bodies healthy and our systems protected from exposure is not. Find out what Hanna recommended to keep your body clear of pollutants and your mind free from the worries of it, naturally.

Chem X vibropathic and Chem X Herbal Combination are two products created by Hanna which boost your body’s natural response to the effects of modern day exposure in an industrialized world. The Chem X Herbal Combination acts as a natural cleanse for daily toxins and the vibropathic is a great children’s supplement to achieve the same goal, though adults can benefit from it as well. The herbal formula contains black tea, condurango bark, red clover, yellow dock, paprika, chaparral, and spikenard; an amazing combination of herbs specific to the needs of those concerned with pollutants from the modern shutterstock_5464549day-to-day exposure.

Keep in mind that it isn’t only those dwelling in metropolitan settings that are at risk for exposure to pollutants. Just as rain or snow in the city brings pollution down from the sky and onto the ground, weather systems can also move the pollution from one town to the next. Even on a quiet country road or tucked away on a remote farm or tiny mountain town, weather can bring pollution from other towns into your own.

Aloe Vera Juice can also provide some support to your system concerning damage from pollutants. As a general healing tonic, aloe can help to rejuvenate cells and boost the immune system. When our bodies are stressed and exposed to pollutants we are more susceptible to illness so the addition of aloe to your day can help you cut sick time or avoid it altogether. Other benefits of aloe are that it can act as a pain reliever and address intestinal difficulties. Please note we are speaking specifically about aloe juice to be taken internally, not aloe designed for external use.

Grape Seed _CCAntioxidants like Cloves, Grapeseed, Pomegranate, and Vitamin C can provide a great deal of assistance in keeping your body healthy from pollutants as well. Daily exposure to common environmental pollutants like food additives, chemicals, pesticides, cigarette smoke, smog, and the like create free radicals in our systems. Free radicals are everywhere and invade our bodies, wreaking havoc along the way. Antioxidants act as a sort of chaperone for the free radicals and escort them from our bodies. Learn more about antioxidants and how they address pollutants in our system and be sure to check out our entire antioxidant section of the shop! Learn more about antioxidants.

Aside from these vibrational and herbal product recommendations from Hanna, you can also turn to your bathtub and kitchen to help you cleanse unwanted pollutants from your system. Add 1 cup sea salt and 1 cup baking soda to a hot bath and soak or try willow leaf. Willow leaf is one of the most recommended remedies of Hanna for exposure to pollutants. As a tea: add 2 tablespoons of dried willow leaves to a cup of hot water, cover and steep for a few minutes then add honey or lemon if desired. The tea should be consumed twice daily in order to address pollution but can also be effective as a bath as well. Prepare a strong tea (several handfuls of dried willow leaves to a pot of very hot water; allow to steep 15 minutes) and add to a hot bath. In addition to addressing environmental pollutants, Hanna recommended willow leaves for radiation and fallout. Willow bark and the leaves also act as a pain reliever.

While we work worldwide to address pollution, the fact remains that we are at risk. Understanding that there are natural options to cleanse pollutants from your system and incorporating them into your day is a great way to keep you and your family healthy.



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