Garlic and Green Tea for Heart Health

February 2nd, 2012 · 2 Comments · Heart Health

73 million Americans have high blood pressure, and 30% may be unaware of their condition. These are scary statistics. Aside from herbs, exercise, and keeping stress low, a healthy diet is important where matters of heart health are concerned. Take a moment to check out the “G’s” of foods that are beneficial for heart health!

Garlic for Heart Health

Garlic is an excellent food for heart health!

Garlic is an excellent food for heart health!

Would you believe that every bite of food containing garlic helps to offset the chronic damage from hypertension? Recent research shows that this could be true. Studies in Germany, Australia, Russia and the US have been focusing on the effectiveness of garlic to reduce blood pressure in men with mild and moderate arterial hypertension, and address the damage of hypertension, among various other studies under current conduction. Garlic has been proven useful in preventing blood clots and helps to keep your ticker happy. Add garlic to your diet or consider a supplement form as another avenue to reap the benefits.

Green Tea for a Healthy Heart

Drink green tea for heart health.

Drink green tea for heart health.

Some have called green tea a “cure-all” for the cardiovascular system for its effectiveness at reducing total cholesterol, reducing LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides, and improving the ratio of LDL to HDL cholesterol. During a Norwegian study, researchers were able to see the health benefits for participants who drank one cup of green tea or more each day for lowering their blood pressure. The active ingredient in green tea (EGCG) is praised for reducing blood clotting as much as aspirin to reduce the chance of stroke. (Ginkgo biloba is also equally helpful in reducing the chance of stroke). While benefits can be noted after one cup of green tea, studies show that 3 cups or more a day is ideal when addressing heart health.

Garlic and green tea provide amazing healing benefits to our bodies, especially for those of us concerned with heart health. If you or someone you know suffers from high blood pressure, high LDL, blood clots, hypertension, or any other heart condition, consider integrating these foods into meals daily. Our foods can help to heal us if we will give them the chance!

Take a look here for our section of heart health products. While February is Heart Health month, don’t limit yourself to be concerned with your health once a year. Take control of your heart health and be healthy! You can also check out recent blogs for heart health here!


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