Morning Workouts May Help Your Resolution

January 20th, 2010 · 2 Comments · Healthy Living


Rising in the morning for a workout could help you stick to that resolution!

It is mid January and by now those new year’s resolutions are in full swing.  I chose to resolve my fitness regimen this year and shed some holiday pounds.  I am sure many people made similar resolutions to work out on a more regular basis, but one thing may differ which was my choice to go to the gym in the mornings.   The gym rush hour (5pm-8pm) seems to have multiplied since January 1st, so among other reasons it is a pleasure not having to wait in line for machines or weights in the morning.

A less crowded gym is not the only reason I have enjoyed my new schedule and may be worth your time to experiment as well.  Although waking up earlier is rough some mornings I have found that the morning workout gives me prolonged energy throughout the day.   Exercising in the morning is a great way to kick start your energy and metabolism for the day.  Some may feel that these early sessions will drain their energy for the rest of the day.  I urge you  to give it a try in the morning and you will most likely see that it does the opposite as long as you are eating small healthy snacks throughout the day.  There are many other pros to hitting the pavement or treadmill at dawn including getting your mind functioning before going into the office, less chance of conflict before the work day starts, your body is well rested from sleep as opposed to working all day before working out, and you can use your evenings for social time and relaxing.

There are debates on what time of the day is healthiest to work out based on many different criteria so I encourage you to do the  research and experiment to find your most beneficial time.  Although a morning workout can get you on a good schedule and jump start your energy for the day, you may lack energy during your workout that you may have after eating throughout the day and working out at night.  The bottom line is that some kind of exercise is good no matter what time of day you can do it and should be incorporated in to anyone’s new health plan for 2010. Everyone has a different schedule so figure out yours and hopefully you will see the results you are working towards.

Do not forget to accompany your new workout schedule with a healthy diet and supplements to ensure you are staying healthy and getting all the essential nutrients so you will have energy for your next workout.

Cheers to a healthy new you! Keep up with your resolution to be more healthy and remember that a healthy diet is a big part of your success. Read some of our diet tips here.


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